What Will I Do If I lose My Job / Business Tomorrow?

Reading books, taking to mentors and following influencers have made me realize that the people with the most  meaningful lives are the ones who never stop asking questions — to others, but just as importantly, to themselves.

Some of the questions that I feel we should always ask ourselves and try and find answers to are:

What will I do if I lose my job / Business tomorrow – the covid2019 situation has caught some of us napping (though some are still napping) , it has suddenly brought many of us into a red zone.  This is the one question that we all need to answer; this will trigger a string of thoughts that will eventually lead you to up-skilling your selves and find the answer.

Will my present skill sets last another 5 years – Covid-2019 splashed cold water on faces of many people, they were woken up from their slumber (some are still sleeping though), up-skilling is the new buzz word and people who will not up-skill will be obsolete very soon.

Will my energy level and health (Fitness) support me for another 10 years career – Now one more factor that has come up for discussion is “Health” , covid-2019 has made people think on the unhealthy life style , in fact we were more bothered about “ozone Layer”, “carbon foot print” and many more global issues but never talked about our health.

Will my present income level be enough & sustain my life style after retirement or in short run – few days of lockdown has brought many big , medium &  small organizations on their knees. It has forced all of us rethink about our financial goals, time to review them and re-work on them.

Am I happy – There is no right or wrong answer to this question but generally when we ask ourselves this question, the first response is the correct one; If the answer is yes, do more of what is making u happy otherwise work on finding the things that make u happy.

Think on these …before we reach a point of no return…

Vikas Marwaha
